Keeping Up With The Market – April 2023

AG top employer

Every month, we help you keep up with the Belgian and Luxembourg insurance markets. Mergers and acquisitions Product Results Market Legislation   Mergers and acquisitions La Carac acquires Ageas France While we announced in March that La Carac was in exclusive negotiations with Ageas for the acquisition of its French subsidiary, the final decision has […]

Climate change: its consequences for the insurance industry

Climate change : its consequences for the insurance industry

The climate change has been well proven in recent years. However, the recent spate of disastrous climatic events that insurers and reinsurers have had to deal with has demonstrated the importance of considering climate change and its risk to the sector. Enemy number one: risk Indeed, more and more climatic events such as major droughts, […]

Keeping Up With The Market – March 2023

Every month, we help you keep up with the Belgian and Luxembourg insurance markets. Mergers and acquisitions Partnership Results Market   Mergers and acquisitions Exclusive negotiations for the French activities of Ageas Foyer to acquire Globality Exclusive negotiations for the French activities of Ageas In mid-March, we learned that Ageas was in exclusive negotiations with […]

Nominations – Mars 2023

Quelles sont les nominations du mois dans le paysage de l’assurance française ? On vous récapitule le tout.   Sandy Le Corre nommée souscriptrice cyber au sein de QBE France Elle sera sous la direction de Françoise Mari. Sandy possède un master en droit international privé et du commerce international de Paris II Assas et […]

Restez au courant – Mars 2023

On résume pour vous toute l’actualité de l’assurance de ce mois en France. Fusions, acquisitions, cessions Partenariats Produit Résultats Marché Législation   Fusions, acquisitions, cessions Rachat d’Ageas France Crédit Agricole remporte les actifs d’ALD et Lease Plan Accenture rachète Optimind Fusion-absorption de la Médicale par Generali France Rachat d’Ageas France Alors qu’ils étaient encore trois […]

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