Update: New appointments for the Belgian insurance landscape (Nov 2020)

  Marsh Marsh BeLux has recently announced the evolution of Rebecca Tielemans. The former Business Development Manager Corporate and Deputy Corporate Segment Leader for Belgium and Luxembourg has been appointed as CEO of the company. She was already a member of the Executive Committee since 2018. Gilbert Van Den Eyde, Member of the Executive Committee […]

Appointments update October 2020 : Women at the Top!

October has brought its share of appointments in Belgium, with some major changes at the top of several companies, paving the way for parity between men and women. Here is our monthly overview of the most recent assignations.   AG Insurance As of today, October the 22nd, Heidi Delobelle is officially the new CEO of […]

Nouvelles nominations dans le paysage assurantiel français – Octobre 2020

  Comme chaque mois, voyons ensemble les changements du secteur. Wakam (ex- La Parisienne Assurances) Alexandre Rispal, ancien Chief Revenue Officer de Wakam a rejoint en septembre Assurly, assurtech spécialisé en assurance emprunteur, en tant que Directeur Général Adjoint et Chief Revenue Officer. Pour remplacer son Chief Revenue Officer partant, Wakam a recruté Franck Pivert. […]

Nominations de cadres dirigeants dans le secteur financier et assurantiel

Si cela fait quelques mois que le secteur financier connait des bouleversements, le business continue bel et bien et apporte son lot de chassés-croisés habituels au sein des comités de direction.   Le point sur les mouvements de ces derniers mois : SMABTP Jacques Chanut reprendra le poste de président de l’entreprise, succédant ainsi à […]

Appointments update in the financial and insurance industry #Belgium

Although the last months have been highly unusual for all industries, the finance and insurance business goes on. Let’s take stock of the changes that occurred during this period, shall we?   AXA Belgium New CFO and new CRO As from October 1st, Sabine Wuiame, currently CRO, will be appointed CFO, being member of the […]

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